My experience interning abroad at Feeling Italy
This past semester I have worked at a vacation rental agency near Sorrento, Italy. The goal of my internship was for me to learn as much as I could and then to start on a project that would help better the company. I divided my time over the semester into two projects. The first of those projects was to write and edit all the descriptions for their properties. I went through the 70+ properties they had and attempted to write informative and enticing descriptions to get more people to rent these vacation homes.
Writing descriptions: While writing these descriptions I used all the resources I had at my disposal to be able to write the best description that I could. These resources included the Feeling Italy website that had photos of the property, actually going to the properties in person to get a better feel of the property, as well as looking at other successful marketing companies and understanding how they created descriptions for their products or services.

The guidebook: The other project I worked on during the semester was a guidebook for the guests at feeling Italy properties. In this guidebook, I outlined information that would be beneficial to guests visiting the Sorrento area. This guidebook included restaurants, transit info, things to do, beach spots, as well as Feeling Italy offered services such as a pizza party at the villa the guest was staying at. I had an advantage when completing this project because I was new to the area just a few months ago. My goal was to give information like I was talking to a friend before going on a vacation. Basically, I wanted it to be from a trusted person and not just some person writing tips on the internet. The problem was that I was not a local, I knew the basics but that was about it. So I leaned on my co-workers and faculty at Sant'anna to aid me in this project. My job was to create the meat of the guidebook, all of the actual wordage and information. It was the job of someone else at Feeling Italy to make it look elegant for their guests. As it turns out, that part is not finished yet, but they showed me a rough example of what to expect and I'm very happy with how it is going to turn out.